Light Therapy Provides Many Unique Benefits
Here’s a Quick List:
- Photizo Stimulates the Production of ATP in the Mitochondria
ATP is the major carrier of energy in the cells and is made by the cell’s power units, the mitochondria. ATP production is enhanced by light therapy, as light of optimal wavelength energizes the cytochrome b structure, allowing it to donate electrons to the electron transport chain at a greater rate to increase ATP production. Increased ATP allows the cell to both accept nutrients and dispose of waste products faster, by increasing the energy levels in the cell.
- Photizo Reverses the Cell Death Process and Promotes Cell Repair
Following injury, a cell quickly approaches a point of no return, after which cell death is a certainty. Photizo light therapy, if administered immediately, can reverse most such cell death processes by increasing ATP production.
- Cellular Regeneration
Once a cell has died, the body needs to make new cells to replace the compromised or damaged cells. Light therapy prevents the overproduction of scar tissue and ensures quicker (up to 250X) cellular regeneration. This accelerated “replacement” effect speeds healing and is seen in all cell types. Once cells have been boosted with light therapy they can resume their normal functioning and make new blood vessels, nerve tissue, bone cells, cartilage, etc. Light therapy does not cause cellular overgrowth or cancer – cells are merely recharged to resume their normal functioning.
- Clearing of Inflammation and Increased Lymphatic Activity
Local inflammation, although necessary, is harmful to local cells. Photizo lessens inflammation and ischemia, helping the cell to take up nutrients and oxygen from surrounding tissue and blood vessels. Edema (swelling) has two components: a liquid part, which can be evacuated by the blood system, and a proteinaceous component which is comprised of proteins that have to be evacuated by the lymphatic system. Research has shown that the lymph vessel diameter and the flow of the lymphatic system can be doubled with the use of light therapy. The venous and arterial diameters can also be increased. This means that both components of edema can be evacuated faster to reduce swelling.
- Increased Immune System Activity
Near-infrared light has been shown to increase immune system functioning. The exact mechanism by which this occurs has not been discovered, but several studies have shown a systemic effect in subjects on whom light therapy was used. This means that local treatment of a wound with Photizo has a general immune-enhancing effect.
- Increased Blood Supply
Light therapy stimulates the formation of new capillaries and blood vessels to replace damaged ones. This speeds up the healing process by providing more oxygen and nutrients needed for healing to the damaged cells. It also accelerates waste and debris removal from the site of injury. Light therapy also has a vasodilatory effect, increasing the diameter of blood vessels.
- Systemic Effect and Reduced Excitability of Nervous Tissue
Photizo assists in reducing the excitability of nerve tissue, thereby relieving pain. It also increases endorphins and serotonin, providing a further systemic pain-relieving and calming effect. This is important in both acute and chronic pain relief.
- Collagen Production
Collagen is the most essential protein building block used to repair damaged tissues, and to replace old tissues. By increasing and regulating collagen production, less scar tissue is formed. Photizo does not result in an overproduction of collagen – rather, it helps the cell produce optimal levels necessary for healing.
- Photizo Promotes Healing
Light therapy raises white blood cell counts and improves cell growth. It also stimulates DNA, RNA and protein synthesis in cells.
- Pain Relief
The photons of light energy enter the body as negative ions. This calls upon the body to send positive ions to the area being treated. These ions assist in regulating nerve function, thereby relieving pain.
- Detoxification
Light therapy stimulates metabolism, promoting the elimination of toxins and waste products that accumulate in cells.
- Accelerates Metabolism
Boosting cellular metabolism slows the aging process and provides optimal energy levels for peak cellular function.