Nutrition / Homeopathy
Homeopathy works based on the laws of similars – like cures like. It is simply a dilution of one or several plant, mineral, or animal substances which are further diluted until either none or very little of the original substance remains. The application is similar in some ways to vaccinations – when ingested, the homeopathic remedy signals the body to elicit its natural immune response, leading towards internal balance and the restoration of health.
How do the products work?
The synergistic nutritionals, homeopathics and herbs contained in the packs work harmoniously with the body’s natural healing capacity to repair, restore and renew inflamed or damaged tissues, joints and bone. The innovative topical products include key ingredients such as naturally-occurring, anti-inflammatory enzymes for pain; tired and true homeopathics, such as Arnica, which work to trigger the body’s natural healing response to inflammation and tissue damage; and a synergistic mix of herbs and nutritionals to provide the building blocks for repair and renewal.
These remedies can also be used in conjunction with chiropractic or bodywork in order to facilitate the healing process and extend the benefits of the treatment.